Jean Haner “The Wisdom of Your Face” is the guest on my radio show on Monday, October 10, 5:00 – 6:00 pm PT

Jean Haner “The Wisdom of Your Face” is the guest on my radio show on Monday, October 10, 5:00 – 6:00 pm PT

Jean Haner “The Wisdom of Your Face” is the guest on my radio show on Monday, October 10, 5:00 – 6:00 pm PT. You can listen on or 1290 AM in Santa Barbara. (This show will also re-broadcast on Sunday, October 16, 8:00 – 9:00 am PT).


What if you could tell, just by looking at someone, how they will tend to think, feel, and behave? What if your partner’s face revealed the best way to dissolve any barriers between you? And what if you could discover in your own face the wisdom that you need to be your authentic self?


Based on the same ancient foundation as Chinese medicine, face reading has a depth of over 3,000 years of research and development. When translated for our modern Western lives, it’s a powerful source of wisdom that we can all access.

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